St Lewis' Catholic Primary School

Welcome to St. Lewis' Catholic Primary School!

01925 762268


At St Lewis', we aim for each child to become a responsible, confident and creative user of communication technology. They will develop the core skills essential to using hardware including laptops, tablets and digital media. They will be able to use the internet in a safe and respectful way. Furthermore, they will develop a good understanding of the ways in which all aspects of Computing will lead them to become better digital citizens of the future. They will be exposed to various websites, apps and programmes which will develop their computer literacy.

The children will learn how to use the Internet safely and understand the necessary precautions to take to stay safe and know where to seek help. They will be able to use hardware and software safely and effectively throughout the curriculum.

At St Lewis', the use of I.T. will enhance and extend children’s learning across the whole curriculum whilst developing motivation and social skills.

The children will also have weekly Computing sessions that will focus on the key skills such as using devices effectively, programming, information processing and online safety.  We predominantly use iLearn2 as our scheme of work which provides for clear progression in skills and knowledge across the year groups.

We share our learning in school via dojo and send links to websites home for parents to support their children’s learning. 

Our staff have access to CPD to enhance their own knowledge and capabilities in the subject. The staff are confident in using Computing across other areas of the curriculum in order to deepen children’s learning.