Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation
- To think for themselves
- To challenge and to debate
- To learn about different cultures and faiths and,to gain an understanding of the values we share.
- To explore ideas, developing a sense of identity and forming views are a normal part of growing up.
- Our school values, driven by our Mission Statement, aims and objectives
- Teaching children to live by our school (Christian) values which are inclusive and promote equality and diversity
- Safeguarding procedures to identify those children who are vulnerable or at risk
- Promoting confidence, independence and resilience in their learning and thinking
- Religious Education, collective worship and PSHE
- Providing a safe environment for discussion and debate, including controversial issues
- Teaching children about the value of living in a democratic society
- Helping children understand how they can influence and participate in decision making. We need to encourage young people to express their views but also to appreciate the impact their views can have on others
- Teaching children to take responsibility for their actions and to understand that the use of violence is criminal
- Enabling children to make a positive contribution through fundraising to support those in need locally, nationally and globally
- Enabling children to make a positive contribution within our school through fundraising, school council and pupil voice
- Teaching children about e-safety
- Providing opportunities for children to learn about other faiths and cultures, particularly the things we have in common
- Adopting a “no blame” approach to bullying, which focuses on addressing underlying perceptions and emotions associated to a situation and restoring relationships rather than attributing blame
- Tackling any instances of prejudice-based behaviours
- Inviting external agencies such as the Police, to present information to parents and children on E-safety and Cyber Bullying
- Engaging with the local community so pupils become increasingly aware of their role in society
Cheshire Police Prevent Leaflet
For more information follow this link